General Dentistry: Maintaining Dental Health During Summer
General dentistry at the Olathe Dental Care Center in Olathe, Kansas includes dental exams, X-rays, routine cleanings, fillings, emergency dental services and more for patients of all ages. The exceptional staff at ODCC strives to not only meet your basic dental needs but to exceed your expectations with superior quality family dental care.
For many Olathe, KS residents, summertime means vacation campouts, barbeques and hiking through the wilderness. While the hot days of summer bring out a more active lifestyle, it doesn’t mean you should neglect the health of your teeth and gums. Maintaining good oral hygiene when camping in a tent on a riverbank may not be convenient, but it’s important to look after your oral health this summer in the best way possible. Here are several general dentistry tips that can help you maintain good oral health while away from home.
Whether you’re having fun in the sun or partying late at night, you should stick to your usual routine for taking care of your teeth as much as possible. Don’t skip brushing and flossing because you’re too busy having fun – maintaining good oral hygiene should always be a priority.
Planning ahead helps prepare you for out of the ordinary circumstances. Be sure to schedule an appointment with the dentist before leaving on your trip away. That way any small general dentistry problems can be treated early – and it may possibly avoid an emergency later on! You should also stock up on extra toothbrushes, toothpaste and dental floss to take with you.
Staying well hydrated during the hot summer days spent outdoors is important for the health of your mouth as much as for your overall wellbeing. This means making the right choices for tooth-smart beverages. Avoid drinks with high sugar and acidic content which can lead to tooth decay and dental erosion. Water and milk are your best options for keeping you both hydrated and refreshed
Did you know that sunlight is extremely important to your immune system? Vitamin D supports oral health by helping to prevent gum disease. To stay safe from too much exposure, don’t stay out too long; further, you should always use the appropriate factor sunscreen and don’t forget to protect your lips too.
Above all, protect your mouth from potential injuries. During the summer there are many opportunities and situations that can put your teeth at risk – such as popping off a bottle cap with your teeth or biting a fishing line in two. There are all kinds of accidents that can happen when you use your teeth inappropriately. Don’t risk cracked or broken teeth – use them as they are meant to be used – chewing all that tasty food!
By following these general dentistry recommendations, everyone can enjoy summer activities while keeping a happy, healthy smile! To schedule a general dentistry appointment with the Olathe Dental Care Center in Olathe, Kansas, or if you need any further advice on any oral health matters, including any summer-related questions, please call 913-782-1420 or request an appointment ONLINE.
Olathe Dental Care Center
234 South Cherry St
Olathe KS 66061